Have you been accused of a campus sex crime in Los Angeles? You need to contact a Title IX attorney right away.
Facing sexual assault allegations is a very serious legal matter that can have a significant impact on your life — from your education to your career and overall future opportunities — especially if the alleged crime happened in an educational institution. If you have been charged with any type of sex crime in an educational setting in Los Angeles, California, contact my office as soon as possible to speak with an experienced Title IX attorney who can help you better understand your rights and the available defense options for your case.
Alec Rose
Attorney at Law
With decades of experience as a criminal defense attorney, I have helped many students and faculty members from universities and other educational institutions across California who have found themselves caught in complicated legal situations.
Having used my legal services and skills to provide high-quality representation in countless situations when my clients’ need it most, I am confident that I can help you build a strong defense for your case today. Whether you've been accused of sexual assault or other types of misconduct, I'll help you prepare for the Title IX hearing process and provide guidance and support every step of the way.

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that was enacted to protect from gender discrimination among students and employees of educational institutions.
However, Title IX cases are often shrouded in controversy due to a tendency of siding with supposed victims instead of allowing the accused a fair hearing as they seek justice as well. This is where having a skilled criminal defense attorney on your side can make all the difference. Oftentimes, the types of complaints filed against the accused include charges that range in severity — from inappropriate comments and sexual harassment to more sinister offenses such as sexual assault, stalking or rape. Whatever the circumstances of your case, I'm proud to offer my extensive legal knowledge and experience to help find a solution.
The Title IX Hearing Process Explained
The Entirety of the Hearing is Conducted on Campus
A Title IX proceeding can be initiated at any point in time when sexual discrimination or a sex crime is reported on campus. Though an attorney can’t physically represent you during the hearing, getting counsel from a criminal defense attorney can help you prepare more effectively.
Investigators Hold Interviews to Review the Allegations
Whether allegations are brought against a student or faculty member, investigators are brought in to gather and analyze evidence to get the full story. You must be able to present your own facts and evidence in order to provide a convincing representation of what happened.
The Investigators Provide a Ruling Based on Their Findings
The panel of investigators assigned to your case will be the ones to determine whether or not the accused student or faculty member acted in violation of the school's code of conduct. If found guilty, the accused party faces severe and lasting consequences.
Build a Strong Defense for Your Case
Common Challenges of a Title IX Hearing
University Rules Are Not Transparent
When the university or educational institution's rules of conduct are not specifically stated, it can lead to unnecessary legal proceedings or even subjective, unfair treatment.
Dealing With Biased Panel Members
The outcome of your legal matter should not be up to an individual who could benefit from you receiving an unfair result. Work with an attorney who knows how to overcome these challenges.
The Rules of Consent Remain Unclear
In today's society, it can be difficult to draw a distinct line between misconduct and a misunderstanding. The gray area between the two should not be an opportunity to ruin your future.
Don’t risk an unfavorable outcome. Let's work together so you can move forward.
Those accused of sexual misconduct or a sex crime often find the process of defending themselves to be extremely stressful and overwhelming. When your rights and future are on the line, your life is undoubtedly affected by these situations — having a criminal defense attorney with Title IX experience on your side could mean the difference between clearing your name and establishing a criminal record.
If you've been accused of a sex crime in Los Angeles, California, I will work collaboratively with you throughout your case so you have a better understanding of what you can do that will help your chances of a positive resolution to your situation.